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1. 拜访地图上第一个商家,发现首条线索。

2. 记录下关键单词并利用这条线索寻找秘密公园。

3. 在公园中寻找隐藏的艺术品。


5.  跟随这1-11条线索在城市中寻找.

6. 基于个人的理解,创做出自己的原创作品!

7. 递交集齐的11个单词组成的获胜短语和你的原创作品来加入我们的比赛。


2017 Quest Map


Click on the interactive quest map below to open the clues or DOWNLOAD YOUR OWN QUEST MAP!

How to Play


1. VISIT the first business on the map to get the first clue.

2. NOTE the word & FIND the park using this clue.

3. SEARCH for the artwork in the park.

4. FIND & NOTE the word on the artwork.

5. FOLLOW the clues from 1-11 around the city.

6. INTERPRET and CREATE your own artwork!

7. SUBMIT the 11-word winning phrase and your artwork into the competition.


You have two weeks to complete the hunt!

Accessibility Information available HERE.

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